“Christian Passive Terrorism”

Another Prophetic Posting

The further I got into Joel C. Rosenberg’s “Auschwitz Escape”, the more Holy Spirit impressed upon me that we are currently living in a similar time of genocidal evil as did Europeans in the 1940s after being overrun by Hitler’s Nazis.

Auschwitz Escape lrg.jpg

Too many true Jesus Followers are not praying enough support for Christians around the world, whom are being horribly burned alive, crucified, and otherwise murdered, extorted to be left alive, kidnapped for ransom and sex slavery, plus regularly raped by Muslims.


And these persecutors are not just al Qaeda plus Islamic State (IS) members, as media regularly implies. Often the perpetrators of awful violence are so-called street Muslims as you can read document all over the WWW or in the media during coverage of regular Muslim riots.

Nor are these atrocities occurring just in Nigeria,or in Middle East countries as documented at the prior link and here.

Nor are many non-Muslims taking appropriate action to resist radical, supremacist Islam, the hateful Koranic religion …not just the hateful, and violent political ideology called Islamism. (Ephesians 6:10-12)

“True Islam” is the hatred, supremacism, and violence which is clearly stated in the Koran. The Koranic Islam which is currently interpreted as valid for all Muslims by every School of Islamic Law is exactly the same as the horrendous practises all the great many jihadist terror groups put into practise. The fact your Western neighbor does not express hatred, nor act violently, like we see on TV occurring in many places in the world regularly, may simply be because they do not feel powerful enough …yet!

Below, you’ll discover the documented truth about the Muslim Koran’s hate for and commanded violence towards all non-Muslims, but particularly towards Christians and Jews (called in the Koran, “people of the book”). Trustworthy links you can check for yourself will reveal the distortions, plus outright lies, of many Western, politically-correct media, plus those of apologists for Islam in academia, politics, and even christianity.

The links are connected to a major Muslim Website for the Koran where you’ll find its appalling verse content in context.

Islam, Pillars of, poster.jpg

Following is only a sampling of the 100+ verses like them in the current Koran which Muslims are commanded by their deity, Allah to obey or miss heaven. This is what Muslims around the world, including in the West, have preached to them in most Mosques on Fridays by honest Imams:

Koran 5:33 @ http://quran.com/5/33

Koran 8:12 @ http://quran.com/8/12

Koran 9:5 @ http://quran.com/9/5

Koran 9:29 @ http://quran.com/9/29

Koran 47:4 @ http://quran.com/47/4

True Islam is an all-encompassing lifestyle …not just a religion. It covers every area of life. In fact, total commitment to Islam and Muhammad is a diabolical copy of the New Covenant, total commitment to the Jesus-following to our Master and Saviour. The Koranic worldwide ‘Ummah’ is the Muslim equivalent of the biblical “Body of Christ”.

Satan’s plan has always been that Allah’s Koran-commanded hatred, supremacism, and murderous violence towards all Infidels (non-Muslims) would overwhelm New Covenant-commanded love, inclusive exclusivism, and peaceableness towards everyone, even our enemies. (Matthew 5:38-48)

But, too many Jesus followers and most name-only, cultural Christians are buying into media-spread, political-correctness about true Islam. Under the power of demonic denial, the obscenity of the extremes of both diversity- and multiculturalism-worship demand that even the most heinous practises of other cultures must be granted the same honour and respect as traditional Judeo-Christian ideals and values. Society allows Western, so-called “Hate Laws” to be manipulated by human rights bureaucrats to enforce the perverse worship of the Demonic Twins of cultural diversity and multiculturalism.

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Blind multiculturalism commands rejection of the truth that Islamophobia is, and always has been, a legitimate fear. Islamophobia is a legitimate fear which all non -Muslims must actively confront and resist …especially true Jesus Followers, nonviolently.

Not resisting a probable evil like Koanic Islam is exactly what happened in Germany and then around the world in the late 1930s …especially once the war started. Denied truth plus silent consent then, like now, supports genocide.

Just past halfway through Mr. Rosenberg’s book, its two main heroes have a secret conversation in an unguarded room in Auschwitz II. That conversation is a clarion, wakeup call to practical action by today’s Christians, as well.

One of the heroes is a young, French Jesus Follower named Luc. He’s awaiting the Nazi ovens because he empowered his whole town in southern France to rescue and help about five thousand, fleeing Jews escape fascist Nazi murderers. The other main hero is a young, German, cultural-only Jew named Jacob. He was in line to be murdered and cremated for successfully opposing the Nazis by working in the German underground resistance.

During their conversation, Jacob becomes frustrated at being unable to understand why Luc, married with two young children, had risked his life plus the lives of his family, and friends to save Jews he didn’t even know.

“Your question shouldn’t be ‘Why am I, a Christian, here in a death camp, condemned for trying to save Jews?”, Luc responds to Jacob. “The real question is ‘Why aren’t all the Christians here?‘”

That statement pierced my heart like a bullet from a Nazi luger!

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It’s a question that every true Jesus follower should contemplate because our Saviour commands that:

“If anyone wants to follow me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross every day, and follow me continuously.” (Luke 9:23)

Scripture makes clear that Christians, who do not regularly speak up, and out, against the horrors of supremacist Islam are “passive terrorists” in the eyes of God. They are because of their deadly “silent consent”. Many of us take no practical action to counter the Muslim butchery of Infidels, especially those who use the name of Jesus, around the world …not just in Iraq, Syria, and Nigeria. (Proverbs 24:11-12 & Matthew 25:41-45)

Are prayerless Christians any better than the ancient Hebrews God condemned and severely judged, on earth, in Ezekiel’s time? (Ezekiel 5:7-8)

If we do not soon get our act together as Jesus commands in Matthew 28:18-20, He has clearly promised us what to expect. For Jesus says:

“Since you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich. I have become wealthy. I don’t need anything.’ Yet you don’t realize that you are miserable, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.” (Revelation 3:16)

In this light, faint-hearted Jesus Followers also are wise to contemplate the reality that Revelation 3:16-17 is the exact opposite of John 3:16-17 which many believe gives them absolute, eternal security?

But what if this latter theology is wrong?


Read Joel Rosenberg’s book …PLEASE!

Also let me have your questions and comments below about what you’d add to, or disagree with, about the above.

Finally, let me know how else I might be useful to you in any way?

Blessings in Jesus all …’till next we interact!


© Copyright 2018 03 30 gfp ‘ 42™ under a “Creative Commons 3.0 License” for your not for profit use as you wish.

Islam Is Rightly Defamable

​“Islam Is Rightly Defamable”

Any Muslim or other person who is offended by the negatives shared about Islam below would be wise to consider:

“Who is truly responsible for defaming the Prophet Muhammad or Islam or an Islamic leader?”

Am I a defamer for sharing exact texts of Islam, and the teachings of its clerics, plus every major School of Law and University in Islam? Am I wrongly labeling Islam or Muhammad, whom wrote these texts down, when there are 600+ hateful, violent passages clearly commanded against Infidels (all non-Muslims) like those in the following in-context verses from Islam’s chief Holy Book, the Qur’an I highlight immediately below.

In Koran 5:33 @ http://quran.com/5/33 Allah, the Islamic deity, commands every faithful Muslim to amputate, behead, crucify, and otherwise torture or murder Infidels as deserving of their god’s eternal curse saying:

“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the hereafter is a great punishment.”, plus

Koran 8:12 @ http://quran.com/8/12 also dictates beheading & mutilation,

Koran 8:37-39 @ http://quran.com/8/37-39 insists that wars be fought against non Muslims everywhere untill Islam is supreme over the whole earth,

Koran 9:5 @ http://quran.com/9/5 likewise commands constant murder of unbelievers except for a short period of the year,

Koran 9:29 @ http://quran.com/9/29 specifies extortive subjugation of Christians & Jews, whom jihadists begrudgingly allow to live, without converting to Islam,

Koran 23:5-6 @ http://quran.com/23/5-6 authorizes the rape & sex-slavery of captured/kidnapped Infidels and Muslim apostates, whether or not married, and

Koran 47:4 @ http://quran.com/47/4 insists on the beheading all opponents to Islam until it is supreme worldwide.

Noone can deny that the above hateful, violent verses, plus the 600 or so heinous others like them, are eternal commands of Allah, the Muslim deity. This is what He commands of every faithful Muslim. All are irrevocable dictates until Islam dominates the planet and Sharia Law reigns supreme in every nation on earth as clearly written in Koran 8:39 @ http://quran.com/8/39.

Am I Islamophobic for documenting that Muslim jihadists are not just “a few” as apologists for Islam, including most politically-correct, western media, plus knowledgeable politicians and Christian leaders, including Pope Francis, intentionally and deceitfully say? Can Islamic jihadists really be only a few unless the estimate of worldwide homeland security experts of 5-10% of the 1.3 Billion Muslims in the world can rightly be defined as “a few”?

Can I fairly be accused of racism for warning that there are many stealth jihadists coming into the West as immigrants or refugees, with or without wives and children, plus already in our midst, as neighbours and co-workers when Islam is an alleged religion …NOT a race of people? Can I legally be considered libelous to call many Muslims among Westerners passive terrorists because they fund and otherwise support their active, jihadist, co-religionists? These facts are documentably confirmed by independent, third-party surveys such as those linked at http://goo.gl/7VpDr.

Am I codemnable for repeating the quotes of clerics and world leaders of Islam themselves whom make documentable statements like:

  • “Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those are witless.” ~ Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, the Supreme Leader of the Shi’ite Sect of Islam


  • “There is no moderate Islam. Islam is Islam.” ~ Recap Erdogan, Islamist President of Turkey & Sunni Sect aspiring Caliph of world Islam

Finally, how can I be criticized for saying Allah is NOT the Judeo-Christian-God, or that his servant, Isa, is NOT Jesus, or that Christians were NEVER Muslims from their beginning when the above Koranic passages are totally opposite to what the Bible commands?

Truthfully, I am merely a reader who  shares what I have read in Islam’s own Holy Books, the Qur’an and aHadith, and statements which have been publicly madeed by its leaders! 

If Muslim jihadists or “Silent Muslim Consenters” to their atrocities don’t like what I share, they will have to burn their own Holy Books or murder their own leaders as defamers of their beliefs.

Your thoughts re the above?

Blessings and peace!

On Overcoming F-E-A-R of Jihadism

“Overcoming F-E-A-R Of Jihadism Is The Key To Its Nonviolent Resistance”

Another Patton Associates S-M-A-R-TBriefing

Jihadis holding victims' heads
Apologists for Islam lie that its Koran and aHadith actions of Muhammad truthfully command jihadists to behead, burn, crucify, immolate, mutilate, and otherwise murder Infidels who will not convert, or extort and sex-enslave/traffic them.

In light of the jihadist horrors perpetrated in Paris this past week by supremacist Muslims everyone is wise to remember:

“Once a regime [a group] is no longer able to frighten people — to terrorize them into passive submission — then that regime is in big trouble.” ~ Dr. Gene Sharp (1928- ) U.S. author & professor, aka “The Karl Von Clausewitz of Nonviolent Warfare”

For a 3 minute interview in which Dr. Sharp expands on his hopeful position, you can go here.

Remember, except when a violent, Muslim jihadist confronts a Westerner, like they have already in Boston, Madrid, Ottawa, and Paris, most F-E-A-R is False Evidence Appearing Real. Remember also, these cities are only a very few of the thousands upon thousands of events of Muslim terror …only since 9/11… never mind the last 1,400 years of their gruesome history. However, Infidels’ legitimate complaints about, and fear of, the religion of Islam is NOT Islamophobia.

Western fear is NOT Islamophobia as Islamic apologists constantly argue. It’s not because the threat at the root of the F-E-A-R for most Westerners is very real! The root of Westerner’s legitimate F-E-A-R is holy book-based Islam, the religion …as you will read in their Koran below. The root is NOT just Islam’s frontline warrior jihadists whom are misnamed Islamists.

Creating Maximum F-E-A-R Is The Goal of Terrorism

The misnaming of Jihadists as Islamists is continued as an apologetic ploy. It is designed to deflect non-Muslims from the truth that the danger is from the Islamic religion itself. That is the root of danger because Islam is hateful, supremacist, and violent at its holy book level.

Islamic Supremacism Poster
No compulsion in Islam? Really?

The other proof of Islamic barbarism is 1,400 years of its constant, blood-stained history. Islam’s constant, cut-throat history since Muhammad and his blood- and loot-thirsty Caliph’s burst out of Medina, Saudi Arabia like a sand tsunami in the early 7th Century AD.

The deadly history of Islam is cloaked by the intentional lies (taqiyya in Arabic). These are spread by apologists for Islam. These apologists are not all Muslims. They include most Western media, plus political leaders like Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, England’s Chief Parliamentarian, David Cameron, and U.S. President, Barrack Obama.

You can discover the truth about the First Christian Crusade’s purely defensive nature in my earlier post, as one trained in history. After the first European-launched Crusade, in 1095 AD, for a short period, Europeans were simply responded to prior Muslim attacks by recapturing the Christian Holy Land region from them. European Kings responded ONLY after 400 years of mauling by jihadist Caliphs of what, originally before Islam even existed, were Christian lands in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

Christian and Westerner “Crusade Guilt”, heaped on us by Islamic apologists, is totally unjustified as you’ll read. The Muslim Caliphs, following and obeying Muhammad’s vicious training also took over, and forced conversions to Islam, in huge sections of India and Persia in the East as well as Christian lands to their west before the first Millennium.

It’s In The Muslim Holy Books

Apologists for Islam say jihadists who regularly behead, crucify, mutilate, murder in other ways, and wage constant war against all Infidels are “a few radicals”. They are not as you’ll read below! 

You can read Allah’s actual, clear commands at the link for each atrocity in the prior sentence. The links are to a popular Muslim Koran website (Qur’an in Arabic). There you can read about each Allah-commanded atrocity in context. Islamic apologists say their peaceful Holy Books are always quoted by Islamaphobes out of context. You discover the lie in this apologetic at the links above.

Islamic apologists use extensive ‘liefare’ [taqiyya in Arabic] re the world-wide, supremacist murder under Islam. Only by lying can apologists deny the reality of 100+ hateful, violent passages in the Koran. The entire Koran as quoted at the link site has canonical status according to every Islamic School of Jurisprudence (Law).

The brutal, horrendous targeting of Christians around the world is not limited to so-called “fringe groups” of Islamic radicals. Some national security experts estimate there are as many as 200 million Islamic terrorists among the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. If this number of Islamic terrorists is not underestimated, as some experts suggest, even 1%-5% of worldwide Muslims that makes for 1.3 to 6.5 million active, anti-Christian, Jew-hating and other Infidel-despising terrorists. This is a still  horrendous number of practitioners of what the genocidal Koran really does command.

On top of the above scary numbers of warring terrorists are the Muslim “Stealth Jihadists” existing in every country in the world. Numerous surveys over the last several years confirm these passive terrorists are an actual majority of the 1.3 billion Muslims around the world. (See the article with links to the surveys here.) Some of these passive terrorists, whom never speak out against their blood-thirsty coreligionists, live among us as neigbours in the West as the surveys confirm.

The horror of Islamic supremacism-seeking murder is also not geographically limited to Middle Eastern Arab countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, plus Israel, which are “big” in Western news. Nor are the worst jihadis those of the “Islamic State” (IS, the prior ISIS & ISIL). Eighty percent of worldwide millions of murders of Christians in 2013 were perpetrated by Boko Haram of Nigeria …there and in neighbouring countries.

The Muslim slaughter of Christians and Muslim apostates, often by ordinary “Street Muslims”, occurs daily from Morocco to Indonesia. (Please see BarnabasAid.org and RaymondIbrahim.com for the awful, poignant documentation of Christian persecution, plus prayer resources and donation opportunities.)

Muslim women regularly mutilated by misogynist males ...not just Jihadists.
Muslim women regularly mutilated by misogynist males …not just Jihadists.

If an Infidel is “lucky”, Jihadists may elect to force their conversion to Islam by raping, sex enslaving or torturing their wives and young women …in front of the husbands and parents. Muslim males treat captive and kidnapped women abhorrently because the Koran says jihadists possess them with their “right hand”.

You may not believe that your Muslim neighbours’ chief Holy Book authorizes rape, sex-slavery, and torture of captive and kidnapped Infidel wo(men) and young girls, so I’ll quote it for you. Koran 23:5-6 says to all Muslim men today:

“Believers must … 5. abstain from sex, 6. except with those joined to them in the marriage bond or those whom their right hand possesses [captives or kidnappees],”

You also can read this appalling verse in context at the link immediately above. It is applicable today ..not just in Muhammad’s barbaric time… as apologists for Islam try to argue. Apologists try to argue the context was only for an ancient time when asked to explain, and they attempt to defend, the quote you just read.

You can read, however, it is without any qualification and is in the present tense. This is also true for all the hateful, violent verses in the Koran. Also, Koran 23:5-6 is only one of numerous misogynist (women-hating) passages in the Koran and aHadith.

When Jihadists don’t murder Christians and Jews, the Koran specifies that every Muslim with sufficient local, not necessarily state, power must extort annual, mafia-like “protection money”. This persecution is called jizya (Arabic). The Koran commands it’s payment must be extracted from Infidels in a degrading way. Yes, Muslims do pay taxes (zakat) to the Caliphate also. But compared to the tax on Muslims, jizya is harsher and considered by the Koran a humiliation rather than a duty to God.

Muslims also subject what are called dhimmi Christians and Jews whom are forced to pay jizya to many other “subjugations / humblings“ throughout the year. These include not being able to wear a Christian cross, or display one on a church. Christian churches also must never be expanded, improved, or even repaired.

Jizya & the heinous “Dictates of Omar” are designed to persecute Christians
Jizya & the heinous “Dictates of Omar” are designed to persecute Christians

These subjugations, which I label the “Dictates of Omar”, not the “Pact of Omar” like apologists for Islam. I do because it is completely one-sided. It’s no pact except in apologists’ taqiyya (liefare).

These dictates have been regularly enforced on powerless Christians since the 7th Century. Apologists for Islam argue defensively they were designed to protect Infidels whom are left alive in a Muslim-controlled area, from non-warrior Muslims, in lands conquered by Islam. History “puts that to the lie” as you can read in the article, “Islamic Jizya: A ‘Protection’ against Who?“.

The Koran says Jizya extortion may not apply to other Infidel groups like anesthetists, agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, nor members of any other faith groups. Allah says these kinds of Kafirs must be slaughtered if they don’t convert as you can see the Koran says here

Even so-called moderate Muslims have wielded the Jizya club for over 1,000 years. The Nazis learned how to most easily and efficiently persecute Jews from Middle Easter Muslim leaders before Hitler started the holocaust, e.g., brutalization of the defenseless, extortion, the Star of David identifying patch, church/synagogue burning, property expropriation, etc.. All these humiliating persecutions are in the Dictates of Omar and directed still in the 21 st Century at Christians, as well as Jews. They were widely used in Islam for centuries before Hitler used them.

You heard/read/saw about jizya being extracted in IS-controlled controlled territory. IS did so in areas which were previously Christian dominated in Iraq and Syria. What politically-correct Western media won’t tell you,  is that Jizya is extracted by Muslims in what are “Sharia No-Go Zones” throughout Europe including France and Britain …even in UK prisons. The key reports linked here, except for that of Snopes, are from the respected Gatestone Institute. Snopes implies Sharia No-Go Zones are non-existent by debunking one commentator whom mis-stated one fact about Birmingham, and quoting Islam-protector, Britain’s David Cameron.

Many current world politicians, plus media researchers and Editors, know the truths about Islam which so-called Islamaphobes document. Our leaders and news-providers ignore, and worse sometimes suppress, the truth about Islam.These include even usually reliable Snopes as you can read above. These news sources intentionally lie because the truth does not align with their leftist narrative.

Apologists for Islam of every ilk, both Muslim and non-Muslim, wish to string non-Muslims along. They do in order to multiculturally honour Islam, the religion, plus its democracy- and freedom-hating values. The worldwide cover-up about real Islam is diabolical except where people have, or are suffering, from Islamization and already have felt the jackboot of Islam like in Indonesia and Thailand.

Hungarians too have this reason for closing their country’s borders to Arab Muslim migrants in the Fall of 2015. They have because of their horrendous prior experience as part of the Ottoman Muslim Caliphate as recently as the 19th and 20th Centuries.

As you can see from the above documentation the Koran’s commands are the root of Muslim hatred and violence against all Infidels. Muslims believe Muhammad was a perfect man. His traditions and sayings are collected in volumes called the aHadith. The disgusting contents of these would appall a non-Muslim. The aHadith, or Sunnah, Islam’s second most Holy documents are only slightly less sacred than the Koran. Islam’s Sharia Law is equally brutal as one can  learn even from the media.

Prominent Muslims Are Calling For a Reinterpretation of The Koran & Hadith

Jihadists are not “just a few” or limited to front-line, fighting Muslims!
Jihadists are not “just a few” or limited to front-line, fighting Muslims!

President al-Sissi of Egypt is a pious Muslim. In January 2015, he made a highly publicized speech to the clerics assembled in the top Muslim university in the world. Present were many of the Islamic scholars who today confirm for all Muslims that a literal interpretation of the Koran’s hateful, supremacist, and violent commands must be followed by every true Muslim …not just “a few” Jihadists …as apologists for Islam lie.

The Islamic law scholars heard Pres. Sisi clearly say that the majority of the terrorism plaguing the world today is related to the holy texts of Islam themselves. To reinforce the need for reinterpretation/reform of all the 100+ verses of Koran-commanded hatred and violence, President al-Sissi said:

“That thinking [thinking which is responsible for producing “anxiety, danger, killing and destruction” around the world, he earlier stated] …I am not saying ‘religion’ but ‘thinking’… that corpus of texts and ideas that we [Muslims] have sacralized over the centuries, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. It’s antagonizing the entire world!”

Apologists for Islam label people say things like the above Islamaphobes. We are libeled plus taken to court by Muslim organizations funded by Iranian and Saudi money. These stealth Jihadists get the support of Human Rights Commissions who charge and fine us despite the documentation of our politically-incorrect complaints against Islam.

Consider that the word “Infidel” (kafir in Arabic) is one of Islam’s most derogatory terms. What if a Christian or Jewish book, or Western cartoon, appeared declaring that:

“Infidels are they who deny Muhammad is the prophet of God—may God’s curse be upon them”.

Christians are pejoratively called Kafirs …and not always behind our backs. Muslims particularly pick on my Christian Brothers and Sisters, plus their defenseless children, primarily because the Koran shockingly commands this brutality …especially against Christians and Jews called “People of the Book” in the Koran.

Taking Non-Violent Action

Don't be a passivist,
Don’t be a passivist, “Silent Consenter” in the face of escalating Islamic Terrorism. Take nonviolent action …now!

Instead of passively-consenting to the jihadism of supremacist Islam, not just Islamists, that supremacist religion’s, frontline warriors, please write jargon-free, passionate, and well reasoned letters to their federal politicians!

WRITE YOUR FEDERAL POLITICIAN! Don’t just sign a petition which politicians rightly discount because they’re one click easy.

They need your input to overcome rampant political-correctness about Islam. Our politicians must take more and wiser action to protect us from jihadism as well as they can using a conventional war approach.

Demand politely that they aggressively protect our tentatively free homelands, plus persecuted Christians and so-called apostate Muslims being genocided around the world, not just in Africa and the Middle East. Tell them NOT to withdraw our planes and troops from a legitimate, protective war which Jesus, “God, The One & Only” commands in Romans 11:1-7 makes their protective duty.

Do this NOW before the continuing politically-correct Islamization of Canada and the U.S. makes this even more difficult than it is already. In my country Canada, one major challenge we have to our freedom are the horrors of Pierre Trudeau’s politically-correct multiculturalism!  This 1960’s Canadian Prime Minister is the Father of our current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who recently ordered pulling our planes from bombing IS jihadists in the Middle East.

The Most Powerful Weapon Against Supremacist Koran-based Islam

wpid-wp-1447799702159.jpgBefore and after writing political power, Christians must pray, regularly, along with other God-fearing people, including peace-seeking Muslims! Christians must pray because they, alone in the earth, are commanded by Jesus to love and pray for our enemies.

People must forgive and pray even for those who attempt, support, or recommend genocide as repeated surveys say most Muslims do as you saw outlined above. We must because Jesus says so!

The only power stronger than “an idea whose time has come” is Almighty God.

Therefore, please pray for all persecuted Christians, Jews, and violent jihadism’s, so-called, Muslim apostates. Pray as well for their jihadi persecutors, in every land around the world.

On Terrorism.jpg
South African Pastor Dane Lingwood’s take on terrorism.

Persecution is growing and spreading wherever violent Muslims have enough power to take advantage of Western multiculturalism and political correctness. Encourage your minister, pastor, priest or rabbi to promote and lead their congregations in regular prayer about this serious end-times catastrophe.

If you are a Catholic, write and invite Pope Francis —the one man in the world best placed and most expected to speak up for millions of persecuted Christians around the world— to lead the Curia to issue an encyclical .


There is desperate need for Bishops to urge prayer about beheadings, crucifixions, church & artifact destruction, rape of fe(males), sex-enslavement, and other persecutions of non-Muslims and apostates by Muslims

In Conclusion

Please let me have your questions and comments below re what you’d add to, or disagree with, about the above. Also, let me know how else I might be useful to you in any way?

Alternatively, contact me directly by clicking here re personal questions or here to be added to my S-M-A-R-TBriefing™ Mailing List.

Blessings and shalom in Jesus  …’till next we interact!

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On Islamic Terrorism

“Is Islam’s Koran Terrorism-Promoting?”

Another Patton Associates

Have you become disturbed about the absence of truth-telling in much media reporting about Muslim massacres worldwide of Christians and others? Does it upset you that top political leaders state regularly that Islam is a “peaceful religion” …despite the considerable, glaring evidence to the contrary? Are the politically-correct, ‘Chrislam”-like comments of some Christian leaders getting you down, like me?

I am appalled by it all! And to my relief, there has been a recent “breath of fresh air” and truth-speaking from a top world leader whom is also Muslim.

A Potentially Planet-Rocking Speech

On January 1, 2015, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi made a epochal, potentially death-inviting speech. The potential world-shaking results of this speech, plus President Sisi’s earlier reaching-out to Egypt’s Coptic Christians as “equal Egyptians” to all others, is reminiscent of the reaching out to Israel of prior Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat, and his similarly reconciling words. The latter was assassinated by a fellow Muslim on October 6, 1981.

A Call To All Muslims Worldwide

President al-Sissi made his speech to the world’s Muslims at the largest Islamic University in the World, in Cairo, to a large gathering of Sunni Imams and scholars,  called the ‘Ulema’, (Arabic for ‘elders’ or “religious elite”).

In his speech to some of Islam’s assembled leaders, the President also challenged the Islamic ‘Umma’ to reinterpret its chief Holy Book, the Koran (Arabic: Qur’an). The Umma is the worldwide, supra-national Muslim community holding a common Islamic history and religion. (Four hundred years before the Koran, the Christian Bible first used the term “Body of Christ” to refer to all worldwide Christians.)

The Koran Requires Reinterpretation Says Sissi

In this speech, Pres. al-Sissi effectively called for a reform of the extremist hate and violence which the Koran contains in over 100 of its verses. A few samples, which you may read in context at the links to a major Muslim Website for the Qur’an, include these:

“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger [Islam’s prophet, Mohammed] and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.” (Koran 5:33)

“I will cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, so strike [them] upon the necks [behead them] and strike from them [amputate] every fingertip.” (Koran 8:12)

“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters [all nonMuslims] wherever you find them; seize them, besiege them, and make ready to ambush them.” (Koran 9:5)

“Fight those among the People of the Book [Christians and Jews] who do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and who do not embrace the religion of truth [Islam], until they pay the jizya [Islamic State-like recent, usually annual and sometimes, usurious tribute] with willing submissiveness and feel themselves utterly subdued.” (Koran 9:29)

“So when you meet those who disbelieve [all non-Muslims and apostates], strike [their] necks [behead them] until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah – never will He waste their deeds.” (Koran 47:4)

al-Sissi Condemns Core Muslim Teaching

To reinforce the need for reinterpretation/reform of the above-quoted-kind of Allah-commanded hatred and violence, President al-Sissi said:

“That thinking [thinking which is responsible for producing “anxiety, danger, killing and destruction” around the world, he earlier stated] …I am not saying ‘religion’ but ‘thinking’… that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. It’s antagonizing the entire world!”

Pres. al-Sissi, a pious Muslim, clearly seemed to be saying that the majority of the terrorism plaguing the world today is related to the holy texts of Islam themselves.

The Egyptian President tellingly invoked the classical Islamic and Quranic-based teaching, “the thinking”. According to Raymond Ibrahim, Arabic speaking, Egyptian-born, U.S. historian of Islam, “the thinking” is the core Islamic teaching which divides the world into two warring halves: the Muslim world (Arabic/Islamic parlance: Dar al-Islam) and the ‘Infidel’ or ‘Kafir’ world (Dar al Harb, the “abode of war”, of all non-Muslims on our planet).

To be in obedience to their major Holy Book, every Muslim must forever carry on a perpetual, “life or death struggle” with Dar al-Harb untill, in the Koran’s words, “all religion belongs to Allah” (Koran 8:39).


As a true Muslim, unlike some Muslim dictators, Pres. al-Sissi, Raymond Ibrahim points out, “will not say that Islam, the “religion,” is responsible for “antagonizing the entire world”. But, he certainly goes much further than most Western leaders when he says that this “thinking” is rooted in an Islamic “corpus [body] of texts and ideas” which have become “sacralized [made Holy]””. (See Mr. Ibrahim’s article here.)

Pres. al-Sissi’s speech to the religious leaders of Egypt and the world puts to a lie the oft-repeated statements of U.S. President Obama, and U.K. Prime Minister Cameron. These are other political, and even some Christian, leaders insist that al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, and the many other Muslim terrorist groups, not just the Islamic State (IS prior ISIS & ISIL), are unIslamic.

Even Pope Francis is saying there are limits on our freedom of expression regarding the above-quoted horrors of Islam as presently interpreted in the Koran.

President al-Sissi, however, a major Muslim political leader, said that “this umma [all world Muslims, collectively] is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost …and it is being lost by our own hands.”

al-Sissi Contradicts Every Islamic Apologist

In other words, Islamic terrorism and chaos is not a product of the things to which apologists of Islam in the West traditionally point. West apologists for Islam include Islamists themselves, plus our media and some liberal political, plus Christian, leaders.

The typically quoted excuses for Islamic terrorism are grievances over book-burnings, European/U.S. colonialism, Israel’s actions or mere existence, offensive cartoons, territorial disputes. These are the so-called Muslim grievances Islamic terrorism is normally blamed on.

Why Apologists for Islam Blame Terrorism On Everything But The Truth

And that apologetic narrative is intentionally designed to foster and promote dangerous dimensions of politically-correct multiculturalism by not “calling a spade a spade”, i.e., Islam is not peaceful. It’s actually dangerous …even for some who call themselves Muslims!

Pres. al-Sissi’s stated view is that Islamic terrorism is NOT rooted in Muslim grievances at all!

The President’s assertion is telling because it also totally contradicts the repeated apologists for Islam’s parallel narrative that Muslim terrorists are mere “criminals” and their terrorism is “crimes”, or their alternate version, Muslim terrorists are simply “deranged”, or “isolated” “individuals” and their terrorism is “Insanity”. (This is why many truth-disguising news media-publishers, politicians, plus Christian leaders don’t mention specific Islamic texts and cultural ideology. Koranic-commanded hate and violence, like the verse samples I link above,  according to Pres. al-Sissi, are the real and root drivers of Muslim terrorists and terrorism.)

We’ve Been At This Religious Crossroad Before

Christianity’s God, ‘Jehovah’, who is NOT Islam’s ‘Allah’, reinterpreted His Old Covenant, and totally replaced its seeming hatred and violence with His New Covenant about 30 A.D.  Then again, He reformed the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches’ religiosity using the Protestant Reformation starting in the 16th Century.

Like in Christianity, but without mentioning the fact directly, Egypt’s President is implying by his challenge that Islam too can be reinterpreted and reformed from it’s current brutal, medieval roots.

You can view a short video of the key parts of Pres. al-Sissi’s Jan. 1st speech, in context, here. You also can read his key text alone here. Finally,  you’ll discover an Egyptian newspaper report of President al-Sissi’s Christmas-season speech to Egypt’s Coptic Christians where he says, “You too are Egyptians speech!” here.

Please let me have your questions and comments below about what you’d add to, or disagree with, about the above.  Also, let me know how else I might be useful to you in any way?

Blessings all …’till next we connect!

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How Religion Can Murder Love!

“For those who truly care about love and justice, one of the most disappointing experiences in religion is when it becomes a man-made system of conformity and standardization that we use to judge each other.” ~ Ken Wytsma, U.S. author (“The Grand Paradox”, p. 95)

But don’t give up be-coming better!

Life is all about loving relationships on a journey of progress, not perfection!