“Who Are The God’s in Psalm 82”

Michael Heiser, the internationally-renowned, biblical scholar, explains whom the Elohim (small g- gods) are in Psalm 82.

Followers of Jesus are unable to truly understand many passages throughout the Bible, in both Prior and New Covenants, if we don’t understand this foundational, biblical issue.

Learn more about “The Divine Council”

On Deliverance From Demons

“The Coming Storm Will Bring Great Spiritual Darkness” God says so in His Bible books of Revelation & prophesies!


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The proper response to Muslim, violent intimidation, persecution and murder of Christians is not for its victims to curtail their activities and to change their behaviour.

That only encourages Islamic bullies.

The proper response of Western governments is to, as aggrsssively as necessary, stand up to violent Islamic jihadists and their Muslim passive-terrorist supporters worldwide. Government as commanded by Romans 11:1-7 must show jihadists, who are NOT “just a few radicals” that they will not get their way. The state must do all it can to protect the Christians and other Infidels and apostates agaist who the jihadists are ingaging in genocide.

Western media must start publishing the whole truth about the worldwide Muslim genocide of all non-Muslims…not a politically- correct, sanitized, and untruthful version. Media, as well as our political leaders, must honestly tell the world that jihadism is direct obedience to over 100 hateful, genocidal, and violent commands in the Koran of supremacist Islam.

Stating truth would show apologists for supremacist Islam, and the people of the world that the West will not give up our principles of free speech and our related freedoms which fascist Islam disdains.

Truth is our foremost bulwark against tyranny. We must stand for our principles against attempts to intimidate us.

When we don’t, we’re actually enforcing henious Sharia “Blasphemy Laws” upon ourselves.

Your thoughts?

GaryFPatton (© gfp ’42™ 2015-11-13)

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Tradition, Annual Family – Google Docs

On Family Traditions “Annual Events Can Teach Powerful Life Lessons”

by: Gary F. Patton (gfp ’42™)

A Tooooooo-ur? Karen’s, my wife’s, and my four Grandkids love outings with Granpa and Granma. But they hate what they call “tours” drawled out as in my subheading above. In fact, they have managed to

Source: Tradition, Annual Family – Google Docs

On Conquering Death


“Only R-E-A-L Life Can Overcome Death“

This pic clearly and powerfully demonstrares what Yeshua (misnamed Jesus) has already done to Satan. He defeated the Serpent, the demonic and death, when He voluntarily died, rose again, and ascended back to His Father to return at the end of time and end the “seed war” (Genesis 3:15). He also sent His Holy Spirit to live in us and empower our ability to choose to live an abundant life in Him (Romans 10: 8-13 and John 10:10).